• Trouver un logement

    Il est possible à Douala de trouver un logement pour des loyers allant de 350 à 1 000 000 FCFA (ou plus bien sur!) en immeuble ou villa, selon standing, principalement dans les quartiers de Bonapriso, Bali, Bonanjo et Akwa.Comment ?

    Avis d'internaute :

    "Housing is really difficult. Don't expect to find a nice house in a month. Most owners want a full year in advance. Sometimes you can talk them down to 6 months. It's never certain that the person you are dealing with actually has any connection with the house, so be careful. Apartments are easier and cheaper to find. You can get a decent 3 bedroom apartment starting at around 600,000 CFA/month. Don't expect American style niceness thought. Nice is relative. Most buildings in Cameroon would be condemned and torn down if there were in the US. You get used to it quickly thought and it's not hard to find a place that feels pleasant."

  • Intermédiaire pour trouver un logement (achat / location).

    En exercice depuis de nombreuses années.

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